Meldungen des Pressedienstes des Amtes der Tiroler Landesregierung 
(O-1117) Mappe 38 
(1947), Stellungnahmen und Bericht des Committee on South Tyrol (1945/46), 
Zeitungsausschnitte aus New York Times (3.10.1946) und New York Herald Tribune 
(23.12.19469, Südtiroler Monatsberichte, Nr. 1, Jänner 1947 
(DO-1117) Mappe 39 
„American Committee for Justice to Tyrol: Briefe an Heine-Geldern, 
Briefentwürfe, Memoranden 
blanko Briefpapier und Kuverts des American Committee for Justice 
(DO-1117) Mappe 40 
to Tyrol 
handschriftliche Auszüge und Notizen 
(DO-1117) Mappe 41 
Italy and the Allies 
(DO-1117) Mappe 42 
Präsident Roosevelt: Reden 
(O-1117) Mappe 43 
(DO-1117) Mappe 44 
(DO-1117) Mappe 45 
Südtiroler Monatsberichte, 2, 3, 6, 7, 10/1947; 13/1948. Palestine 
Affairs, vol. III, No. 5, No. 6/1948. The Inter-Allied Review, No. 9. Oct.15, 1941. War and 
Peace Aims. January 30, 1943. The First and the Last, 1946. Testimony Before the Anglo 
American Committee on Palestine by Phillip K. Hitti, 1946 
Travel, November 1946 (2 Expl.) 
(DO-1117) Mappe 46 
(DO-1118) Mappe 47 
The Peace that Failed. The British System of Government. Our Constitutional Freedoms. 
Österreichs Freiheitskampf. The History of the Communist Manifesto of Marx and Engels. Report 
of the Director General to the Council (UNRRA). The British Constitution. Denkschrift der 
Arbeitsgemeinschaft für kunst und Wissenschaft anlässlich des Mozartjahres 
(DO-1118) Mappe 48 
The Roots of the Nazi Concept of the Ideal German Peasant. Papers on Palestine II und III. The 
Arab World and the Arab League. The Political History of Palestine Under British Administration. 
Peace Aims: British Official Statements (2 Expl.). New Austria (July 1946). The Southern 
Boundaries of Austria. Josip Broz Tito: The Yugoslav Peoples Fight to live. The Greek 
Dodecanese. World Affairs, Vol. 111, no. 2, Summer 1948. Shadow over Asia. America and the 
War. Japans Purpose in Asia. 
(DO-1118) Mappe 49 
Palestine: The Solution. Irag's Point of View on the Palestine Question. Afro-Asiatische 
Solidaritäts-Konferenz Kairo, 26. Dezember 1957 bis 1. Januar 1958. Britain and Her 
Dependencies. The Dodecanese Islands (2 Expl.). The Baltic Soviet Republics. Bulletin der 
Internationalen Juristen Kommission. Der lange Weg zu österreichs Freiheit. Die Wahrheit über die 
Berliner Konferenz. Zypern. Freiheit für Zypern. Speech broadcast by The Prime Minister Mr. 
Winston Churchill to the Italian People, December 23, 1940. Speech broadcast by The Prime 
Minister Mr. Winston Churchill to the Pilgrim Society, March 18, 1941. 
(DO-1118) Mappe 50 
British Information Services: British Speeches of the Day, March, August December 1943. 
British Information Services: British Speeches of the Day, January-May 1944 
(DO-1118) Mappe 51 
British Information Services: British Speeches of the Day, June-December 1944