Full text: Nachlass Alice Teichová

Alice Teichová 
undatiert [19932), 12 S. 
Schachtel: Gastprofessuren in Wien und Dokumente zum Forschungsprojekt-Vorschlag „Osteuropa 
Perspektiven (1997, 
Mappe 15 
Korrespondenz zu den Gastprofessuren am Institut für Zeitgeschichte 2000 und 2002 
Programm, Literaturlisten und kopiertes Material zur LV „Appeasement am 
Vorabend des Zweiten Weltkrieges 
Verträge über die Gastprofessur und die Stiftungsgastprofessur der Bank Austria 
KOVO SS 2000 über die LV von Teichová 
Material zu Studentenexkursionen 
Osteuropa Perspektiven, März 1997 
Mappe 16 
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD): Overview (2000) 
EBRD Working papers: 
No 30: Nicholas Stern, „The future of the economic transition“ 
No 61: Martin Raiser et al., „Social capital in transition: a first look at the 
No 55: Elisabetta Falcetti et al., „Defying the odds: initial conditions, reforms and 
growth in the first decade of transition“ 
No 56: Daniel Gros and Marc Suhrcke: „Ten years after: what is special aboout 
transition countries?“ (nur Abstract) 
Mappe 17 
Monthly Report (The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies) 3, 4, 5 
EBRD Transition reports: 1999 (Auswahl), 2000 (executive summary), 2001 
(Tabellen und Graphiken) 
DO 1174 
Mappe 18 
The Futures Project: The Wider Picture. Enlargement and Cohesion in Europe. 
December 1999 
WIIW 25 Years Anniversary Conference (1998): 
Summaries of Papers 
Jože Mencinger, „How Ready Are the CEE Economies for Accession? 
Dariusz K. Rosati, „The Impact of EU Enlargement on Economic Disparities in 
Central and Eastern Europe 
Mappe 19 
Opening up the business opportunities of EU enlargement (Message from the 
European Roundtable of Industrialists (ERT), June 2001) 
The East-West win-win business experience. A report by the ERT 
The East-West win-win business experience. Case studies 
About the European Round Table of Industrialists 
Mappe 20 
Accession Countries: Balance of Payments / International Investment Position 
Statistical Methods (European Central Bank, February 2002) 
Mappe 21 
Material zu den Konferenzen „Transformation and Integration in the Baltic Sea Area 
and the Barents Area“, Umeâ 1997 und 1999: 
A. Teichová, „Economic Transformation and Legacies from the Past in Central 
and Southeast Europe“, Vortragstyposkript zur Konferenz 1997. 
Korrespondenz Teichovás mit der Umeà Universität und dem Stiftelsen 
Riksbanken Jubileumsfond, 1997 und 1999, 8 St. 
Call for Papers und General Research Agenda der Konferenz 1999

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